Working with Database - 5: Running MS SQL Server and Webserver(Apache)+PHP App On The Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS) By Using Jenkins CI/CD Pipeline
We will prepare a pipeline in Jenkins to deploy the MS SQL Server and Webserver(Apache)+PHP App to the Amazon ECS cluster. To do this, firstly, we will prepare a “Jenkins file” to tag and push the docker images to the Amazon ECR private repo, and deploy the “Database and Apps” to the Amazon ECS cluster by using the Jenkins file.
Also, we will create a GitHub Webhook to auto-trigger the “database and application pipeline” when the developer pushes new codes to the GitHub Repository. Then, we will try if this works or not. We’ll check that both containers run in Amazon ECS.
And finally, we will troubleshoot in the Jenkinsfile Pipeline regarding the problems I encountered.
In this article, we will do all of these practically step by step.
17 min readNov 4, 2024